Panificadora conquense, the big project in Spain
We are in the midst of the assembling of 25 hopper silos for Panificadora Conquense’s flour mill extension project, which plans to boost production capacity from the current 300 tons to 500 tons per day, and it will move their production plant and office to the Industrial area “Los Palancares”. The scope of supply of […]
Factory management plan 2022
Recently, we obtained ISO 45001 re-certification in Safety and Health at work. Symaga became is a safer and healthier place to work since the implementation of a new management system in 2018. We are proud of being the first company certificated in 45001 in the Castilla La Mancha region, and since then we have had […]
Looking back at the figures of 2021, it has been a rather complex year for silo manufacturers, marked by the global logistic crisis and unprecedented rise in steel price. Yet, SYMAGA takes pride that by the start of 2022, over 50M m3 of storage built and more than 12.000 projects have been assembled. In recent […]