Always thinking about our environment
A company’s commitment must transcend economic profit by seeking the social benefit and environmental sustainability. Symaga promotes a Corporate Responsability plan within an ethic code of respect to the nature and personal and corporate development.

Associations and Fundations
The construction of a more fair and generous society is one of our commitments. In order to aid disadvantaged groups we collaborate with different Foundations and NGOs. as Banco de Alimentos, AFIM, Cruz Roja, Manos Unidas y NIPACE, AELIP, Supernenas, Esperanza y Alegría, Enach, Laudes Infantis, Banco de Alimentos, Plataforma Solidaria en Bolivia, Save the Children, Ucranianos de Alcázar de San Juan, ADS & Rotary Club.

In our region Symaga sponsors soccer teams, sport Schools and athletic clubs of Villarta de San Juan and Football fields.
Internationally we collaborate with Panda Raid, the Crazy Car Race in Australia, Water Aid and Titam Desert.

Universities, Schools and High Schools
We collaborate with Universities and Technical Institutes like the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha University, Bipree Research Group and Aleksandras Stulginskis University of Agriculture.
We contribute to professional development through internship programs and
Fiedl trips on our factroy for students.
Sustainable development
Symaga is aware that nature belongs to humankind, and it has to be preserved
for the generations to come.
- Certified Environmental Management. In 2018, Symaga obtained UNE-EN ISO 14001 certification. Resource and waste management are optimized with downsizing of consumption of water, residual waters treatment.
- Steel providers are certified with ISO 14001, which means that 80 – 90% of the
material is recycled. - Photovoltaic solar energy generation plant to power our factory in Villarta de San Juan has doubled the capacity in 2022, aiming at reaching 100% of energy production with green energy.