Symaga Group has beaten its own manufacturing record in the first semester of 2017: with 23 million kg of steel processed, we have experienced a 10 % growth compared to 2015 and 2016, our previous historic records. This expansion has been followed by a 10% increase of our workforce, reaching 250 employees in 2017 for the […]
Symaga Silos in the classrooms of the Lithuanian Aleksandras Stulginskis University

The University of Agriculture Aleksandras Stulginskis will be using as example of grain storage the industrial silos of Symaga Silos. Symaga will share information on the design and calculation of the structures of our different models of silos, their elements and accessories, and their agricultural and industrial applications, as well as an introduction to the […]
Team Building Day for Symaga Group

Symaga Group employees enjoyed a team building exercise at Quinta Monteguerra last Friday. For a few hours they were part of some tribes that grouped together to survive on a desert island. Certainly, the employees of the different companies of the Symaga group, succeeded in meeting each other and working as a team. Symaga Group […]
Symaga Group sponsors Panda Raid

Symaga Group has sponsored a special team integrated by our Technical Director, Jose María Antona. The raid consists in a race made by Seat Panda, during 7 days, through the Moroccan desert. This year have participated 300 teams, you can find more information in this link.
Symaga Silos continues to grow in Ukraine

The year 2017 has begun with two good news that confirm Symaga Silos as one of the most important suppliers of industrial silos in the Ukrainian market. On February 1, 2017, NIBULON signed agreements with suppliers to continue the execution of its storage expansion projects in Ukraine. Symaga will supply storage for 240,000 tons of […]
Symaga Group is awarded with the Seal for Innovative SME

This recognition, from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) is awarded to companies that have proven, with its trajectory and activity, to comply with the requirements of resources dedicated to innovative projects obtaining optimal results. The constant investment in the last few years that Symaga as dedicated to human resources and new technologies R&D&I […]

Symaga Silos is attending to the most important international exhibition in the sector during 2017. Our commercial team will assist you in any help you could require. We will be waiting for you in any of these fairs. MONTH EXHIBITION DATE COUNTRY CITY JANUARY IPPE 31/01 – 02/02/2017 United States Atlanta FEBRUARY GRAIN […]
Symaga begins the installation of Malteria La Moravia Silos

Symaga begins the installation of our silos provided to Malteria La Moravia, a malting plant belonging to Grupo Damm, one of the main malting and brewing group in Spain, located in Bell Lloc d’Urgell. Symaga incorporates new erection elements, facilitating the installation and optimizing times. The project consists of six flat bottom silos, reinforced due […]
Symaga Group participates in “Exporting your value” Forum

Marta Garrido, Operations Director of Symaga Group, participated in the round-table entitled “Exporting your value” to share Symaga’s exportation process as the company has achieved its presence in more than 120 countries, with an export rate of more than the 90%. This past 29th of November a new edition of the Forum was hold in […]
Symaga Group collaborates with Spanish Cancer Association (AECC) and Afanion

This current year Symaga is collaborating and adding efforts against Cancer. Symaga provides funds to Afanion, an organization focusing its efforts in childhood, and to the Spanish Cancer Association (Daimiel delegation). From Symaga, we would like to enhance their great job, the effort in research against Cancer and for the incredible support provided each day […]