Over the last few months, Symaga has been working on its new line of indoor silos. These come to satisfy a growing demand for this type of storing needs, as cost effective solution for indoor storage.Indoor silos are now available ranging from 3m to 12.23m diameter, with the following models SBI: 4.60, 5.35, 6.10, 6.87, […]
A lifetime dedicated to work

Yesterday, June 5, it was Alfonso Garrido’s birthday. Mr. Garrido, founder of Symaga, Growket, Agravid, El Bisabuelo Eladio, Quinta Monteguerra and Casa Guerras. A lifetime dedicated to work, creating a group of companies that directly employs 200 workers and indirectly many more. He has received awards for his career, some like CEPYME and Business Merit […]

The installation of two new projects, in two key countries for Symaga, consolidate the continuous growth of the Spanish company. These are the new plants in Egypt, which are added to the largest storage project in the world supplied by SYMAGA in 2015. The second project, currently under assembly, is located in Ukraine, the country […]

L’amélioration de la situation actuelle du Coronavirus en Espagne, permet l’ouverture de notre usine, pour rétablir la capacité de production. Nous maintenons le protocole COVID19, pour assurer l’opérabilité et la sécurité. Le personnel de bureau continue à télétravailler, avec disponibilité sur les numéros de téléphone et de courrier électronique habituels. Le personnel […]
Communiqué Coronavirus COVID19 II

La situation actuelle du coronavirus (COVID-19), oblige SYMAGA SILOS à activer le deuxième niveau du protocole d’action COVID19, dans le cadre défini par le gouvernement, pour éviter la propagation et le risque des employés. Le service commercial est en téléchargement, disponible par les numéros de téléphone et de courrier électronique habituels. Le Gouvernement espagnol a […]
Communiqué Coronavirus COVID19

En raison de l’état du coronavirus (COVID-19), SYMAGA SILOS a activé le protocole d’action COVID19, dans le cadre défini par le gouvernement, pour éviter la propagation et réduire les risques pour la santé de nos employés. Le protocole prévoit un certain nombre de mesures pour garantir le fonctionnement et la productivité de notre usine et […]
Digital Transformation

We start the year with an improvement in our communictaions: a new IT infrastructure project has been launched, which includes a revamping of servers, internet connection speed and security. During the month of February, Symaga Group at its headquarters in Villarta de San Juan has installed a cluster that guarantees internal non-stop communications, without network […]

In 2020, we attend to these exhibitions. We will welcome you all. See you there! MONTH EXHIBITION DATE COUNTRY JANUARY CEREALS MIXED FEED 28 – 30/01/2020 Russia IPPE 28 – 30/01/2020 USA FEBRUARY GRAINEX 07-09/02/2020 India WEST BENGAL POULTRY 13-14/02/2020 India GRAIN TECH 18-20/02/2020 Ukraine MARCH VICTAM 24-26/03/2020 Thailand […]
2020 Projects

Symaga started 2020 with the installation of three new projects, consolidating its expansion into the Brazilian market and maintaining the company’s continuous growth in Mexico and Romania. Symaga keeps its position as a supplier-of-choice for large storage projects. Ab Inbev, one of world’s top brewing groups which markets, among others, its famous Brahma brand, expanded […]
Marcelo and Symaga: over 35 years together

At the Christmas dinner of Symaga Group, which this year is our 35th anniversary, we took the opportunity to pay a small tribute to Marcelo García, the oldest employee of the group, who began working with the founder, Alfonso Garrido, more than 35 years ago. To have a full track–record of Symaga, seen from his […]