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“Fundación Esperanza y Alegría” & “Zancadas sobre Ruedas”

Last Monday, Symaga Group received a very special visit. Fundación Esperanza y Alegría (Hope And Happiness Foundation, in English) and Zancadas sobre Ruedas (“Strides On Wheels”) presented their projects to our company. María Moreno, president and founder of Hope And Happiness presented the Foundation’s educational, health and nutritional missions in India and Spain, highlighting food […]

Investing to achieve excellence

Excellence in quality manufacturing has become a hallmark of SYMAGA SILOS. Faithful to the mission of achieving high quality standards, we maintain a Continuous Investment Plan to equip our state-of-the-art production and the total control traceability. If in 2015 the automation rate of our production was at 80%, Symaga now embarks on a plan to […]

Searching for the treasure. Team Building Day for Symaga Group

For a few hours, Symaga Group employees were pirates that searched for a treasure. Last Friday, They enjoyed a team building exercise at Quinta Monteguerra. Certainly, the employees of the different companies of the Symaga group, succeeded in meeting each other and working as a team. Symaga Group reassert that human resources are one of […]

Equal Opportunity Plan

A new protocol of Symaga’s Human Resources management reaffirms its support for equal treatment with the inclusion of a statement of principles and guidelines to be followed to avoid any discrimination in the selection and hiring process. The Equal Opportunity Plan, promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, presents « an opportunity […]

Special storage solutions that arrived on Sapporo island

The storage project for the Japanese multinational Yanmar is an example of Symaga versatility. The Silo plant to store Premium Japonica rice, a very delicate grain with a unique texture, has demanded the development of tailor-made technical solutions.  On one hand, Symaga has designed a new insulation for the silo roof and pre-lacquered galvanized steel […]

Exhibition planning until December 2018

Symaga Silos is attending to the most important international exhibition in the sector during 2018. Our commercial team will assist you in any help you could require. We will be waiting for you in any of these fairs. MONTH EXHIBITION DATE COUNTRY CITY AUGUST   GRAINTECH 31/08 – 02/09/2018 India Bangalore OCTOBER SIMA-SIPSA 08-11/10/2018 Algeria […]

Symaga in the Internationalization Forum

This Wednesday, 14th March, the Internationalization Forum was held at Ciudad Real Chamber of Commerce. In its XII edition, the main topic has been Digitalization and Globalization. Josep Piqué, economist and businessman, was the special guest. Later on, at the round table, Alfonso Garrido, CEO of Symaga shared his international experience together with the managers […]

New appointments to reinforce leadership

The growth of Symaga Group extends to its organization chart. It was in 2016 when the company was divided into three brands, Symaga, Growket and Agravid, and it is today, in 2018, when its organization chart is modified with new appointments. Alfonso Garrido, holds the position of C.E.O. leaving the Commercial Management of Symaga Silos […]

Certified Environmental Management

Symaga Group cements its drive towards the optimization of its resource and waste management thanks to the award of the UNE-EN ISO 14001 certification for its Environmental Management System.  This certification consolidates the push for the improvement of resource and waste management, a key element in Symaga Group’s social corporate responsibility  Under Symaga’s Environmental Management […]


Symaga Silos is attending to the most important international exhibition in the sector during 2018. Our commercial team will assist you in any help you could require. We will be waiting for you in any of these fairs.   MONTH EXHIBITION DATE COUNTRY CITY JANUARY   IPPE 31/01 – 02/02/2018 United States Atlanta FEBRUARY FEED […]