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Visit to Symaga Group from P.S. Nuestra Señora de la Paz. June 2015

In students last week of scholar year, Symaga was visited by Primary Education students from the Public School Nuestra Señora de la Paz, located in Villarta de San Juan. The main objective of the visit was an initial approach and introduction to industry, which is only 2 km far away for them. It is curious […]

Symaga Group sponsors raid In Morocco for charitable causes. February 2015

Symaga Group, following its company policy supporting excluded groups, and adding value to society, sponsors runners belonging to “Pandilla Raid” which will run “Panda Raid” over the North Africa, in Morocco. The raid consists in a race made by Fiat or Seat Panda, older than 20 years old, through the Moroccan desert. Symaga Group sponsors […]