Contribution to fight the effects of the pandemic
2020 leaves us a scenario dominated by COVID19. The impact on business in many sectors is alarming, but the consequences for many households are devastating. For this reason, Symaga makes a contribution to two projects that are run directly to the families most affected by the pandemic. Madrid Food Bank notes that “we need a […]
Singapore Office
From November Symaga has an office in Singapore. The goal is to stay closer to our customers in the region to give them a better service. Symaga has reached an agreement with SCE Asia, based in Suntec City, Marina Bay, an emblematic business area of Singapore for a few years already. The Belgian company’s headquarter […]
Sustainability, a commitment for Symaga Group
The installation of a photovoltaic solar energy generation plant to power our factory in Villarta de San Juan is one more step in the commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment, which we already consolidated in 2018, with Environmental Management System ISO 14001. One of the covers of our buildings has been used to […]
Improved Steel Quality, Bolting
Starting from September 2020, Symaga will offer silos with stiffeners made with HX500 LAD structural steel with a yield strength of 500 N/mm2, increasing resistance by 45%. Our Steel Quality Improvement Project initially focuses on stiffeners, the supports of the silo’s vertical load. As Part of the Quality Improvement Plant , Symaga has also made […]
On the frontlines of manufacturing
SYMAGA Group has completed the installation of a new drilling centre, boosting our steel profile automatic processes range. This line brings a new era in drilling thanks to the high productivity of the new model SYMAGA silos’ top value added resides in our manufacturing excellence and quality. To attain such high manufacturing standards, the […]
Over the last few months, Symaga has been working on its new line of indoor silos. These come to satisfy a growing demand for this type of storing needs, as cost effective solution for indoor storage.Indoor silos are now available ranging from 3m to 12.23m diameter, with the following models SBI: 4.60, 5.35, 6.10, 6.87, […]
A lifetime dedicated to work
Yesterday, June 5, it was Alfonso Garrido’s birthday. Mr. Garrido, founder of Symaga, Growket, Agravid, El Bisabuelo Eladio, Quinta Monteguerra and Casa Guerras. A lifetime dedicated to work, creating a group of companies that directly employs 200 workers and indirectly many more. He has received awards for his career, some like CEPYME and Business Merit […]
The installation of two new projects, in two key countries for Symaga, consolidate the continuous growth of the Spanish company. These are the new plants in Egypt, which are added to the largest storage project in the world supplied by SYMAGA in 2015. The second project, currently under assembly, is located in Ukraine, the country […]
Улучшение текущей ситуации с коронавирусом в Испании позволяет открыть наш завод, чтобы восстановить производственные мощности. Мы поддерживаем протокол COVID19, чтобы гарантировать работоспособность и безопасность. Офисные сотрудники продолжают работать на удаленном доступе, с возможностью контактировать по обычной электронной почте и телефонам. Работники завода и логистики работают в соответствии со стандартами гигиены и предотвращения […]
Уважаемые господа, Настоящая ситуация с коронавирусом (COVID-19) обязывает компанию SYMAGA SILOS применить последующий уровень Протокола действий против распространения вируса COVID19 в рамках, определённых Правительством Испании, чтобы избежать распространение вируса и риска для сотрудников. Согласно постановлению Правительство Испании наш завод должен быть закрыт с понедельника 30 марта до пятницы 10 апреля включительно. В связи с этим, […]